Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The 60 days is finally over...

We're moving back to our newly remodeled offices tomorrow!!! If you follow my blog you will know that we were banished to a multipurpose room back in April and then they began what was supposed to be a 60 day remodel. Well, 120 days later, we are finally moving back in. We don't have any of the new furniture for the foyer and the waiting area but they swear that it is coming.
Here's a reminder of where we started. Then the progress.
And this is where we are today.

new reception area

My office with walls and a door. Yea!!

Look for pictures later this week of me in this office with the door closed actually getting some of my work done without the song and dance of being in the multipurpose room.
Don't forget to visit my husband's new blog this week-- he's giving away t-shirts.