Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is Saturday the shortest day of the week?

Every Saturday I have great expectations of what will get accomplished only to realize that it's never going to happen. So today I'm giving in!! I got up, took my wonderful daughter to Circle the State with Song, came home checked out facebook, worked out, and ate leftovers (I love leftovers). Now I am set up with my laptop to blog while watching reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 (the original...I know it's my terrible, dark, Saturday secret, what's yours?). I'm also thinking about a trip to the tanning bed and painting my toenails. Com'on, join me...lower your expectations...let Saturday have it's way.


  1. My Saturday's are always short because I love to sleep in. The kids get up, I feed them, turn on cartoons and go back to bed. Sometimes hubby gets up...sometimes not....In some respects I wish I got up earlier and got more done. Then again, it's really the only day I get to sleep--and sleep is my friend!


  2. Sleep is my best friend's Saturday secret too. So... go back to bed and enjoy your Saturday.

  3. So funny that you mentioned going to a tanning bed- I started to ask you how you were so tan, but the kids started singing!
    Oh Saturdays- its a struggle for Jay and I to take care of what has to get done, and let other things go. We have to be careful to not cram so much into the day. I try and remember at breakfast to ask everyone what has to get done, and what does everyone want to do for fun. But I admit- I put myself last.
